Liechtenstein: Non-profit/For-profit Company Registry Requirements

For-Profit Company Forms

To found a for-profit company in Liechtenstein, the founders Submit a notarized copy of a company’s articles of association For an LLC, open a bank account in Liechtenstein with a minimum of CHF/EUR/USD 30,000, in cash or contribution in kind. An LLC founding with contributions in kind requires that contracts on the contributions in kind are submitted together with the registration. In so doing, it has to be observed that each shareholder can own only one contribution in kind and that at least 20% has to be paid in or covered by contributions in kind. For a public limited company, the minimum capital is or CHF/EUR/USD 50,000 and a minimum of 25% of each share has to be paid concurrently in cash or covered by contributions in kind. According to a Forbes article, Liechtenstein has allowed people to incorporate cryptocurrency businesses without a bank account, just by using Bitcoin or Ethereum. Obtain an available company name from the Liechtenstein Public Registry and depositing it there. Choose a registered office in Liechtenstein. Note that the founders do not have to be there in person.

For more details on Liechtenstein Company Formation Law, see this source.

Non-Profit Company Forms


Foundations are a special collection of assets set aside for a purpose. The formation of the Liechtenstein foundation is effected through a foundation declaration. This deed requires the written form as well as the notarised signature of the founder. There is a minimum capital of CHF/EUR/USD 30,000 to start a Liechtenstein Foundation. Foundations need not register with the Public Registry. The Liechtenstein foundation is suitable for the safekeeping of assets and their transfer to heirs.


In Liechtenstein, the trust plays the role of the “trust settlement” or “family trust” of the Anglo-Saxon law. The Liechtenstein trust comes into being by means of a written agreement (trust deed) between the settlor and the trustee or else through a unilateral trust declaration and its acceptance, and then optionally entered into the Public Registry or merely registered with the District Court. The trust is designed to be a suitable vehicle for the long-term protection of assets or family assets as well as for estate planning.

The Trust Enterprise

Liechtenstein has a form of company called the Trust Enterprise, which is a hybrid between a company and a foundation. It is a usefulful framework for an organization whose the purposes have not been fixed yet and a commercial purpose may be pursued later. To form a Trust Enterprise, it suffices to submit the company’s articles of association and submit minimum founding capital of CHF/EUR/USD 30,000 cash or contributions in kind.


Being member of the European Economic Area, Liechtenstein has access to European markets while staying out of more onerous European regulations. For this reason it has been a hub for company incorporation, with more registered companies than its population of 40,000. Liechtenstein has a custom union with Switzerland and the currency used by this state is the Swiss Franc.


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