Peru: Laws Related to Token Sales, Blockchain, and Digital Proof

Are ICOs and Token Sales Allowed? (source)

  • ICOs and token sales are not explicitly allowed not expressly allowed or prohibited under peruvian law
  • However, cryptocurrencies are experiencing increasing demand in Peru with several companies exploring the possibility of using them in a complementary way for its operations
  • Peruvian banking and finance regulator has been monitoring cryptocurrency activities in the Peruvian market
  • No ICOs or token sales have taken place in the domestic market

Are ICOs and Token Sales Regulated source (source)

  • ICOs and token sales are not expressly regulated in Peru
  • However, under the Peruvian Securities Market Law, there could be an interpretation that may consider cryptocurrency as a “security”, given its broad definition. If this is so, ICOs could be considered to be regulated under this law
  • Peruvian regulator of the securities market (the Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores) has not issued any opinion to this effect nor has it issued any project suggesting any amendments to the cited regulation in order to include ICOs and token sales within the scope of the securities market regulatory framework. Therefore the regulation of token sales is ambiguous

Are there government agencies responsible for regulating ICOs? (source)

  • There are no government agencies responsible for regulating ICOs and token sales as they are not expressly regulated in Peru

Digital Proof As of July 2018, Peru has not created laws related to Digital Proof


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